Welcome to Charities for Africa! Instead of doing a particular country or a certain city for this assignment I focused on ways we can face the ongoing issues in Africa. As we know it, today, Africa is a continent with a great need for help. From civil war to famine to children dying at a young age, Africa is facing many unfortunate events and is reaching out to us for some support. Many of these factors actually play a major role in peoples' lives and it is up to us to lend a hand. This webpage is designed to show you the many different charities that are out there and that are helping the misfortunate in Africa. As you can see, there are many ways in which you can help Africa today.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

ZANE-Zimbabwe A National Emergency

ZANE is a charity that is helping out people that are suffering from the crisis in Zimbabwe. Their main task is to redevelop and regenerate hope for those who are currently in despair. They focus on many projects that build sustainable communities with food, water, shelter, and the right healthcare that should be available to all. In addition, they assist elders that have pensions and the ones that do not. They help support them and teach them to become more self-sufficient. ZANE also provides a great sense of determination in changing lives in Zimbabwe, so why not donate now? If you worry about where your donation might end up, this charity actually ensures that your money is given to all sectors of the community in Zimbabwe.

If you have any further questions about Zane, please visit their website:

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