Welcome to Charities for Africa! Instead of doing a particular country or a certain city for this assignment I focused on ways we can face the ongoing issues in Africa. As we know it, today, Africa is a continent with a great need for help. From civil war to famine to children dying at a young age, Africa is facing many unfortunate events and is reaching out to us for some support. Many of these factors actually play a major role in peoples' lives and it is up to us to lend a hand. This webpage is designed to show you the many different charities that are out there and that are helping the misfortunate in Africa. As you can see, there are many ways in which you can help Africa today.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


AVERT is a specific charity that prioritizes the problem of HIV/AIDS in Africa as its number one task. Their commitment to providing treatment, care, and education on HIV/AIDS ensures that each donation is worth its value. In areas where the number of infected by HIV or AIDS are high, especially in South Africa, AVERT helps the people face the challenge. One way that they help the people is by the information posted on their actual website. On the AVERT's website, the given information provides clarity of different sexual diseases and how to prevent these certain diseases. Additionally, the website includes photos and videos for people to use, in order to check themselves if they have been infected or not. It is evident that this charity does an exceptional job in spreading the knowledge needed in order to withstand the traumatic effects of HIV/AIDS. AVERT's two main projects in Sisonke, South Africa and Umunthu, Malawi, where HIV and AIDS infect the majority of the population, it offers free testing and treatment for clients that are AIDS-positive. Along with these clinics in these areas, one can also find accessible resources for the local community, such as education and additional healthcare programs. AVERT is willing to do the work, but first it starts with us and our support.

To donate to AVERT's projects, please visit their website at:

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