Welcome to Charities for Africa! Instead of doing a particular country or a certain city for this assignment I focused on ways we can face the ongoing issues in Africa. As we know it, today, Africa is a continent with a great need for help. From civil war to famine to children dying at a young age, Africa is facing many unfortunate events and is reaching out to us for some support. Many of these factors actually play a major role in peoples' lives and it is up to us to lend a hand. This webpage is designed to show you the many different charities that are out there and that are helping the misfortunate in Africa. As you can see, there are many ways in which you can help Africa today.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


RIPPLE Africa is a charity that began in 2003 by an English couple, Geoff and Liz Furber, who have sincere passion for helping those in Malawi, Africa. Their dedication for almost 25 years has evolved into an organization with over 2,000 volunteers. Their story shares the determination of RIPPLE to provide great help in the crisis over the environment, social inequality, and educational obstacles found in many regions in Malawi. RIPPLE also focuses on proper and maintainable healthcare for their fellow Malawians, by providing medical clinics and centers for families and their children. Their main goal is to "empower local people to manage the projects in which affect their own community." By motivating and inspiring the locals, this can lead to an even greater cause.

If you would like to learn more about RIPPLE, please visit:

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