Welcome to Charities for Africa! Instead of doing a particular country or a certain city for this assignment I focused on ways we can face the ongoing issues in Africa. As we know it, today, Africa is a continent with a great need for help. From civil war to famine to children dying at a young age, Africa is facing many unfortunate events and is reaching out to us for some support. Many of these factors actually play a major role in peoples' lives and it is up to us to lend a hand. This webpage is designed to show you the many different charities that are out there and that are helping the misfortunate in Africa. As you can see, there are many ways in which you can help Africa today.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Water Project

Even though this charity focuses on other areas other than Africa, the Water Project organization provides an advantage against the problem of dirty water in Africa. By providing clean, drinkable water, people can be assured to live a long and healthy life. The Water Project emphasizes the importance of long-term changes, the sustainability of an easy access to this water source, and to prevent any problem with the sanitization process. In areas such as Kenya, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sudan and Uganda, these particular places are most seen as places with the lowest amount of drinkable water. With ineffective resources of clean water, the side effects really punish the surrounding communities. This organization depends on the vital steps that lead them to succeed, they are as follows: 1) Engagement with the community; 2) Community education; 3) Installing the Well; 4) Handing over and checking up; 5) Monitoring and Evaluation. This technique ultimately leads to drinkable water for villages and communities that are desperate for change. As a result to this efficient plan, Project Water commits itself as a leadership role in order to coordinate some type of long-term process to supply clean water to the majority of Africa.

If you have any questions about supporting Project Water and their campaigns worldwide, please visit their website:

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