Welcome to Charities for Africa! Instead of doing a particular country or a certain city for this assignment I focused on ways we can face the ongoing issues in Africa. As we know it, today, Africa is a continent with a great need for help. From civil war to famine to children dying at a young age, Africa is facing many unfortunate events and is reaching out to us for some support. Many of these factors actually play a major role in peoples' lives and it is up to us to lend a hand. This webpage is designed to show you the many different charities that are out there and that are helping the misfortunate in Africa. As you can see, there are many ways in which you can help Africa today.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Water Project

Even though this charity focuses on other areas other than Africa, the Water Project organization provides an advantage against the problem of dirty water in Africa. By providing clean, drinkable water, people can be assured to live a long and healthy life. The Water Project emphasizes the importance of long-term changes, the sustainability of an easy access to this water source, and to prevent any problem with the sanitization process. In areas such as Kenya, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sudan and Uganda, these particular places are most seen as places with the lowest amount of drinkable water. With ineffective resources of clean water, the side effects really punish the surrounding communities. This organization depends on the vital steps that lead them to succeed, they are as follows: 1) Engagement with the community; 2) Community education; 3) Installing the Well; 4) Handing over and checking up; 5) Monitoring and Evaluation. This technique ultimately leads to drinkable water for villages and communities that are desperate for change. As a result to this efficient plan, Project Water commits itself as a leadership role in order to coordinate some type of long-term process to supply clean water to the majority of Africa.

If you have any questions about supporting Project Water and their campaigns worldwide, please visit their website:

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


AVERT is a specific charity that prioritizes the problem of HIV/AIDS in Africa as its number one task. Their commitment to providing treatment, care, and education on HIV/AIDS ensures that each donation is worth its value. In areas where the number of infected by HIV or AIDS are high, especially in South Africa, AVERT helps the people face the challenge. One way that they help the people is by the information posted on their actual website. On the AVERT's website, the given information provides clarity of different sexual diseases and how to prevent these certain diseases. Additionally, the website includes photos and videos for people to use, in order to check themselves if they have been infected or not. It is evident that this charity does an exceptional job in spreading the knowledge needed in order to withstand the traumatic effects of HIV/AIDS. AVERT's two main projects in Sisonke, South Africa and Umunthu, Malawi, where HIV and AIDS infect the majority of the population, it offers free testing and treatment for clients that are AIDS-positive. Along with these clinics in these areas, one can also find accessible resources for the local community, such as education and additional healthcare programs. AVERT is willing to do the work, but first it starts with us and our support.

To donate to AVERT's projects, please visit their website at:


This is an international organization that is involved in over 150 countries worldwide. UNICEF is well known throughout the world because of its main focus: helping children. Over 21,000 children die each day and UNICEF is trying to attack this number and make it as close to zero as possible. UNICEF's main goal is to reduce this high mortality rate by doing so they are hosting programs in order to become lifesaving for children around the world. With many of its campaigns across Africa, UNICEF is one of the many influences giving priority to children in Africa. Suffering daily from either malnutrition, dirty drinking water, or even the lack of vaccines, children, who are the future, obviously need more help than anyone else. By just providing clean drinking water, many diseases and factors can be eliminated. In addition to these specific areas of concentration, UNICEF also focuses on child abuse, from exploitation to trafficking, they give an extreme measure of protection for these children. One factor that UNICEF is trying to improve on in Africa is the problem with AIDS. They are determined to reduce the number of children born with AIDS by providing immunizations and vaccines to prevent the spreading. To my opinion, this organization, UNICEF, ranks among the top 5 charities for Africa.

If you have any questions about UNICEF and their motives in Africa, please visit:

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


RIPPLE Africa is a charity that began in 2003 by an English couple, Geoff and Liz Furber, who have sincere passion for helping those in Malawi, Africa. Their dedication for almost 25 years has evolved into an organization with over 2,000 volunteers. Their story shares the determination of RIPPLE to provide great help in the crisis over the environment, social inequality, and educational obstacles found in many regions in Malawi. RIPPLE also focuses on proper and maintainable healthcare for their fellow Malawians, by providing medical clinics and centers for families and their children. Their main goal is to "empower local people to manage the projects in which affect their own community." By motivating and inspiring the locals, this can lead to an even greater cause.

If you would like to learn more about RIPPLE, please visit:

Exit Poverty Organization

Exit Poverty focuses on the low income people or families in Africa. Mostly dedicated to areas in Kenya, Liberia, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Cote D'Ivoire, this charity helps the less fortunate get a chance to succeed. Hinting from its title, this organization literally helps people escape from poverty. In order to achieve this, Exit Poverty concentrates on the different factors that can lead to great prosperity, such as "creating enterprise opportunities, assisting with the financial crisis in value chains, improving individual equity, supporting high standards of public governance, and inspiring citizens for social change." Their commitment to SMILE (Social return, Member Contribution, Integrity, Leadership, Enforce accountability) really helps the low income sector of Africa and it ensures that a chance will be given to all.

If you have any questions on Exit Poverty and different ways to get involved, please visit:

Project Kesho

This charity primarily helps the children sector in Eastern Africa, specifically in Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya. Project Kesho focuses on providing great education to the young children in East Africa. They have the motive of "we believe in educational access, equality, and success for every child." Their objective is to give young children the resources and support in order to do well in school and be self-determined to continue on into higher education. Project Kesho does a great way in expressing the importance of being able to pursue individual goals, especially in education. Africa might rely on foreign aid in the future, but its success lies in the hands of the younger generations.

If you have any questions about Project Kesho, please visit:

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

ZANE-Zimbabwe A National Emergency

ZANE is a charity that is helping out people that are suffering from the crisis in Zimbabwe. Their main task is to redevelop and regenerate hope for those who are currently in despair. They focus on many projects that build sustainable communities with food, water, shelter, and the right healthcare that should be available to all. In addition, they assist elders that have pensions and the ones that do not. They help support them and teach them to become more self-sufficient. ZANE also provides a great sense of determination in changing lives in Zimbabwe, so why not donate now? If you worry about where your donation might end up, this charity actually ensures that your money is given to all sectors of the community in Zimbabwe.

If you have any further questions about Zane, please visit their website: